What Is CPF?
First, what CPF is not.
The Clover Park Foundation, CPF, is not part of the Clover Park School District.
We are a separate organization that supports the district by administering the gifts donated to the Clover Park School District by former students, local businesses, gifts from estates and other generous benefactors.
CPF is a registered 501 c (3), a tax-free charitable organization. As a registered 501(c) 3, the Clover Park Foundation provides all its supported organization with the "charitable organization" status and then the supported organizations are able to accept tax deductible donations.
Supported organizations
are clubs and individual people who provide money directly or through fund raisers to Clover Park students and teachers. Lakes High School Booster Club, Friends of AI, Retaining Great Teachers, the Schatz Continuing Education Fund and The James D. Blanchard Endowment for the Arts are a few supported organizations.CPF a non-profit organization run by community volunteers. Some of these volunteers hold other positions within the Clover Park District, others are in related programs and still others are businessmen ad/or active concerned Lakewood citizens.
There are no paid employees to distribute funds to students and staff of the Clover Park School District, or to collect donations and endowment monies to facilitate excellence in education and educational opportunities.
Most of our volunteers end up donating much more than just time.
We Offer Tax Exempt Status to Individuals, Clubs and Organizations
You too can create your own "supported organization" by establishing a fund which you can direct to accomplish good works, excellence and increased educational experiences for students and staff of the Clover Park District.
Support Clover Park District students by making a tax deductible contribution of cash or property, today.
Consider including The Clover Park Foundation as part of your estate planning.
Contact Mark Blanchard at markb@toolpak.com for more information regarding these and other possibilities.